Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Year and a New Book!

Some people like to take long vacations in new parts of the world. Some like to purchase and wear expensive jewelry. Some go crazy with purchasing art and some just go crazy purchasing! As for me, I can't resist a bookstore! make the story short and simple, I bought a new book to start my year off with a smile!
The name of the books is THE AWE-MANAC....A Daily Dose of Wonder by Jill Badonsky.
Why did I buy this book?? You're probably going to snicker here but I liked the whimsical hardback cover! I also liked the size of the book, the pages inside with all of the cool things to think about.

Each day there's a space where you name the day! Then there's a sentence that you have to finish each day. Each day you see these words: TODAY I GET TO__________. It's a way of celebrating the day! Celebrating your life! Celebrating someone else or something else....(and God knows I need to find something to celebrate!) There's cool little sayings, and birthdays of famous people and little cartoons on each page of something whimsy.
There's even a TOAST OF THE DAY! Today the toast is...."Here's to a refreshing mid-day's nap!" ( kind of a toast!)
Then of course there's the part of the page that really gets me going....writing something special. Maybe I feel no words will pour forth from my finger tips or my pen (whichever I may be using) and then the inspiration comes from reading from the "WORD POOL." This is the section where there are several words that make no sense but somehow can inspire you to write write write!
And then there's the special Journal"List 3 things you're glad you did already this year!" 1. Got through New Years at work.
2. Cleaned out the filing cabinet and made new
3. Continued to read books that I've started and
never finished. (Whew! That's quite an

So....once again I play to my addiction (bookstores and papers and pens and writing) with pleasure.

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