The last day of April 2008 was a turning point in my life. One of the girls that I work with at Wynn Las Vegas casino was telling me that she had just discovered that she was a diabetic. We sat and talked and she was explaining how she has to test her blood sugar levels before she eats and after she eats by sticking herself with a pin, bleeding just a small drop of blood and putting it into a monitor to see how high or low her blood sugar level is. I sat and listened to her and it seemed that she was "teaching" me something important. I confided that I had NEVER had one of these tests before when she suggested that she could bring her monitor in and test me! I agreed. The test would have to be postponed until she returned from her scheduled days off from work. When she returned to work she brought her monitor and tested me. I was 465! She and a few other people in the room gasped! She said, "Oh Maggie this isn't good!" I looked at her like I must have had a hole in my head because I didn't understand "good" from "bad!" She then told me that normal should be between 80-110. A part of me was reeling from this news but the other part acted cool, calm and collected. Two hours later we tested again because maybe the test was wrong and after all....I had just had lunch! This time the test results would be normal....NOT! It showed 345...
I went home after work and called my doctor's office to explain what had happened and before I could ask what I should do the receptionist said that the doctor would want to see me that morning. She found the next available time and scheduled me for that morning. Brian drove me to the doctors and sat in the room with me. Yes, the tests were positive and I was diagnosed as a diabetic. Here's your new monitoring kit, here's how you test yourself, here's when you test yourself, here's the schedule to go to diabetic classes for 4 hours, here's a referral to see a dietician. You must see a podiatrist for your feet. You must go to an opthomologist for your eyes. Make sure you make an appointment to see a cardiologist and while you are at it, here's a prescription to have a pap test, a mammogram and oh...see your dentist too! You'll need to go to the lab and have some bloodwork's an order for that.
Out of the office I went....overwhelmed and not knowing just what the hell happened to me!
Today...I am taking a prescription drug, Metformin 500mg, once a day with supper to help control my diabetic demon. I am to exercise 4 times a week at least 30 minutes each time. I've been using the treadmill but have slacked off for the last few days because my foot was a bit I twisted it or something. It's been almost a full month and I still have not seen NORMAL readings on my monitor.
I did go to the podiatrist and with a few tests he determined that I still have circulation to my feet and that I have not lost the nerve sensations in my feet and calves and knees. My feet look good. He gave me some lotion to use twice a day, told me to never go barefoot again and to check my feet daily to make sure that they have not been injured.
I went to the eye damage to my eyes from the diabetes...a new lens prescription and two new pairs of eyeglasses. One sunglass, one regular.
I have not gone to the Cardiologist as of yet.....because I'm scared of him.
I have not gone to the Dentist as of yet.....because I have extensive work that needs to be done and no cash to cover my share after insurance pays.
I have not met with the dietician. This appointment is on the 29th of May.
My weight is slowly coming down....and that's a good thing. spirit is low, I miss my kids and wish that they had just a little time for me right now. I understand what it's like to be young and in your own world but I hope that they will think of me from time to time.
More later on the diabetes demons.....
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i love you!
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